Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page. Here we have tried to answer the most common questions asked regarding the Ledge Point Getaway villa. If you find that your question is not answered on this page, please contact us at the phone number detailed on the “Rent Me!” page.

  1. What’s the weather like?
    Here are the monthly average temperatures for Ledge Point:

    To get a 10-day forecast for the Lancelin/Ledge Point area, take a look at the
    weather forecast page. (If this is the first time that you’ve looked at the weather forecast page, you will see that temperatures are shown in degrees Fahrenheit. You’ll find a selector to show temperatures in degrees Celsius below the 10-day forecast which is below the satellite image of Australia. Once you set the temperature display once, your browser will remember your setting for the future.)

  2. How do I get there?
    Head north from Perth, on Wanneroo Road. Continue past Yanchep, Guilderton and Seabird. The Ledge Point turnoff is about 15 kilometres south of Lancelin. Once you are in Ledge Point township, turn right into Wedge Street. Continue as far as you can go - Ledge Point Village will be straight in front of you at the end of Wedge Street. The villa is Unit 3 in Ledge Point Village. For more detail take a look at the “Location” page.

  3. What should I bring, what is provided?
    We provide you with bed linen, and everything you need to store and cook food. You’ll need to bring:
    • Food
    • Drinks
    • Beach Towels
    • Sunscreen
    • Hats
    • Insect repellent (always handy to have)
  4. What’s the cost, and is the villa available for the dates I want?
    Contact us using the details provided on the “Rent Me!” page and we’ll provide that information, as well as answering any other questions you might have.